Small Business Insurance quotes

Draftsmen Business Insurance

Draftsmen Business Insurance Solutions

Our draftsman business insurance program offers an affordable, easy way
to secure the insurance coverage you need for your business. This page will
provide you with an overview of the most-requested types of insurance coverage,
key considerations for a business like yours, and the ability to receive a free,
secure insurance quote for your draftsmen business.

draftsman business insurance

With WeInsureXYZ, you don’t necessarily have to be licensed to
purchase coverage. A minimum of five years of experience and related
qualifications may substitute.

We’re proud to provide insurance coverage for the following licensed and
unlicensed design and construction consulting professionals:

  • Acoustical consultants
  • Certified planners
  • Consulting engineering
  • Drafting services
  • Engineering geologists
  • Facilities management
  • Interior designers
  • Modelers/renderers
  • Lighting designers
  • Residential designers
  • Sprinkler designers
  • Telecommunications Consultants

Why do I need draftsmen’s business insurance?

Whether you work as an independent draftsman or design consultant or you own
your small firm, there’s a certain amount of risk inherent in any complex
project. Despite your best efforts, small miscalculations can happen – and as
you know, little mistakes can cause big problems.

Draftsmen and other unlicensed design professionals can provide services
directly to clients but often do projects for licensed architects and
engineers. You may feel that you do not have liability because a licensed
engineer signs off on your work. But often, if there is a problem, everyone
involved in the project may be sued. If that happens to you, you’ll be
responsible for your own defense until liability is determined.

Most independent contractors and small design consulting firms don’t have big
bank accounts. If you or your company were to be sued for an error or omission
– even if you are not at fault – your legal defense costs would add up fast.
Worse, if a judgment were made against you or your firm, having to pay
restitution could be enough to sink your business.

The right draftsmen business insurance protects you in case the worst happens, allowing your
business to continue to thrive while you fight any legal claims.

What are the most important types of coverage to consider?

Your insurance should fit the needs of your business. At a minimum,
small design firms and independent design consultants should consider two
important types of coverage:

Why should I choose WeInsureXYZ?

WeInsureXYZ has specialized in working
with small-business owners. Thousands of small businesses rely on WeInsureXYZ to support their growing needs and help them manage
their risks with fast, affordable draftsmen business insurance coverage.

Solo consultants and small design and consulting firms tell us that they want

  • Meet their clients’ contract requirements
  • Save money without sacrificing quality
  • Receive competitive quotes from leading carriers
  • Get big coverage for their small firms
  • Get the peace of mind they deserve
  • Talk with our experienced agents — real people with real answers
  • Get claims service they can count on

WeInsureXYZ offers all of that and more.

With skill and luck, you may never face a lawsuit. But if you do, you’ll wish
you hadn’t taken the risk of going without insurance. Protect yourself and your
company. Apply for a free, secure draftsmen business insurance quote from WeInsureXYZ today.

Draftsmen Professional Liability insurance

What Is Draftsmen Professional Liability Insurance, and why do I need it?

Also known as “errors and omissions insurance,” draftsmen’s professional liability
insurance protects you or your design or consulting firm against the financial
devastation that comes from being charged with either a negligent act or
failure to perform your professional duties.

In such cases, your Draftsmen Professional Liability Insurance or E&O; insurance would pay for your
legal defense, as well as damages that you or your firm may be legally required
to pay, up to the dollar limit specified by your policy. That protects your
company and your future by helping you keep your business running as potential
lawsuits move through the courts.

I am a one-man design services firm and primarily work on small residential and commercial projects that don’t carry much risk. I have been in business for years and never had a problem. Now a client requires that I show evidence of draftsmen professional liability insurance coverage. Why?

Many smaller drafting and design firms buy Draftsmen Professional Liability insurance
because their contracts require it. Some clients make it an obligation to win work. Your client wants you to be financially responsible for any
errors. If you make a mistake that results in a lawsuit, your client wants to
be sure you have the financial resources to compensate the company for its

Often, draftsmen and designers are contractually required to maintain
Draftsmen Professional Liability coverage not only while working on a project, but for years after. Ultimately, maintaining Draftsmen Professional Liability insurance is the responsible thing to do.

How does Draftsmen Professional Liability insurance fit with my risk-management strategy?

Draftsmen Professional Liability insurance is an important part of a comprehensive risk
management strategy that includes:

  • Identifying and documenting potential risks, and developing strategies to
    prevent them from becoming problems.
  • Transferring some risk to an insurer by purchasing an insurance policy.
  • Reducing risk by implementing projects in small increments, with careful
    attention to risk management at every step.
  • Avoiding risk by choosing not to take on risky activities. However, refusing to
    take on risk may cause you to lose out on potential profits or business gains
    that may come from taking that risk.
  • Retaining some level of minimal risk, in cases where insuring against a risk
    would be more costly than the potential losses you could sustain. In instances
    where these risks become problems, your company accepts any losses that occur.
    In reality, any risk that you do not transfer or avoid is retained by your

What is not covered by Professional Liability?

Professional Liability insurance is not designed to address every type of
business risk you might have. Be sure to review the “Exclusions” section of
your Professional Liability policy for these and other common exclusions:

  • Unfair trade practices: A competitor sues you for taking one of its clients
    after hiring one of the competitor’s employees.
  • Non-payment of fees: a vendor sues you for failing to pay an invoice.
  • Willful or dishonest acts: A client sues you alleging that you knowingly and
    intentionally defrauded it or stole company information. Liability insurance
    policies respond to allegations of negligence, not allegations of illegal

Get a quote for Draftsmen Professional
We Insure XYZ now. It’s fast, easy and free.

Draftsmen General Liability insurance

What is Draftsmen General Liability insurance, and why do I need it?

General Liability insurance for draftsmen protects you against any potential harm to another person or their property. Unlike Draftsmen Professional Liability insurance, Draftsmen General Liability insurance doesn’t cover claims related to the delivery of professional services.

A Draftsmen General Liability and Property package policy can protect your company’s assets from a lawsuit filed against you for injury or property damage. Up to the limit set by your policy, it covers court costs and the cost of a legal
defense, as well as medical costs for anyone who might be injured on your
property or in the course of your business. It can also cover physical
damage to your property, including theft, and business interruption due to a
disaster, such as a fire.

I am moving from a home office and into a small rental office space. What kinds of draftsmen business insurance should I purchase to satisfy the landlord and protect myself against the major risks of my business?

General Liability insurance for draftsmen covers your liability for damage to the space you lease. Draftsmen General Liability insurance also protects you if a visitor at your office is injured.

A package policy or Business Owner’s Policy also covers your business-owned
assets in the event of fire, theft, or storm damage. Your package policy should
also cover fixed expenses you must pay even if your office is shuttered due to
a covered loss, as well as lost profits, the cost to pay someone else to keep
your projects going while you’re shut down, and the cost of getting your
business back in operation quickly.

But I’ve never needed draftsmen business insurance before. Can’t I get by without it?

Doing business without adequate insurance is risky. Yes, you’ll save money on
premiums – but you’re also taking the enormous risk of losing everything in the
event of a fire or liability lawsuit.

WeInsureXYZ offers lots of insurance options at very competitive
prices. You may be surprised at how affordable high-quality insurance can be.

Some of my clients require that I name them as an additional insured on my Draftsmen General Liability insurance policy. Does that cost extra?

Your General Liability policy should cover you for a wide range of property and
liability risks tailored to your business and often required by your clients,
at no additional cost. When your client’s contract requires special coverage
provisions, the last thing you want is a hassle from your insurance company.

For example, when you sign a contract, agreement, or permit that requires you to
name a client as an additional insured on your Draftsmen General Liability insurance policy, your policy should automatically provide primary coverage for the additional insured. This eliminates the need to request an additional
endorsement.  Your policy should also include Primary and Non-Contributory Additional Insured Coverage. If you have agreed in a written contract, agreement, or permit that your insurance is primary and non-contributory with the insurance of the additional insured, this coverage provides that your General Liability coverage is primary, and the insurance carrier will not seek contribution from that other insurance.

Some of my clients require a Waiver of Subrogation. What is that?

Also known as a Waiver of Rights of Recovery, a Waiver of Subrogation provides
that your insurance carrier will waive any rights of recovery against a person
or organization if you have waived your rights of recovery in a contract,
agreement or permit executed before the injury or damage.

What is a BOP?

BOP stands for Business Owner’s Policy. This type of package policy includes
both General Liability and Property insurance. A high-quality BOP ensures that
you’ll be covered for a wide range of property risks specific to your business,

  • Business personal property: coverage to repair or replace your
    business-owned property, such as phone systems, desks, file cabinets and more.
  • Computers and media: coverage for your computers, peripheral devices and media. Coverage is also provided to help pay for the costs to research, replace or repair lost or damaged data and software as a result of covered damage to computer equipment, certain power failures, or a computer virus. Business Income Coverage also applies to computer equipment, data and software.
  • Valuable papers and records: coverage to you for the cost to replace
    important documents lost in a fire or other covered cause of loss. A BOP would protect the value of your time, work, and research to re-create engineering drawings and blueprints if they are destroyed or damaged by a covered cause of loss.
  • Business interruption: helps reimburse you for your actual loss of
    earnings for up to 12 months resulting from a covered loss to your property, plus extra expenses needed to continue your operations, such as renting temporary space.

Get a quote for Draftsmen Professional
We Insure XYZ now. It’s fast, easy and free.

What other types of coverage might benefit my business?

Depending on the number of employees who work for your company, you should
also consider:

  • Workers’ Comp insurance to protect your employees in the event of an on-the-job injury. The insurance
    carrier’s managed care and return-to-work program can help you get your
    employees back on the job as soon as possible.
  • Non-Owned Auto Liability insurance to protect
    your company should it be sued due to an auto accident while one of your
    employees is on company business in a personal vehicle.
  • Employment Practices Liability insurance to protect
    you from lawsuits from employees alleging wrongful termination, sexual
    harassment, or discriminatory employment practices.

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