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How business owners can avoid slip and fall accidents

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Though slip and fall accidents are sometimes unavoidable, there are certain steps business owners can take to reduce the risk of injury on their property, according to FindLaw.

The news source recommends keeping floors dry and clear and monitoring their cleanliness at all times. The longer an item remains on the floor the more liable a business owner becomes for negligence in the case. Some frequent causes for slip and fall cases related to floors include failing to use a wet floor sign, not closing off a slippery area and using too much floor wax.

Stairs also may open the window for liability, as they can become increasingly damaged over time. “Edges may be sharp or rounded and cause someone to injure themselves,” FindLaw warns.

Finally, the moving parts of escalators and elevators sometimes increase the risk for injury and may lead to claims being brought against a company. Maintenance is important as “some courts impose a higher standard of safety on owners and operators of escalators and elevators,” according to the source.

Though there are ways to reduce the chances of injury, it may be more cost-effective to have insurance coverage instead of risking an accident and incurring expenses, should charges be filed. A Business Owner Policy will help business owners cover costs resulting from people injured on their premises.


General Liability Insurance

What Is General Liability Insurance? Commercial General Liability Insurance protects small-business owners from claims of injury, property damage, and negligence related to their business activities.

Workers’ Compensation

What Is Workers’ Compensation Insurance? Workers’ compensation insurance covers your employees’ medical expenses and at least some portion of their lost wages if they are injured on the job.

Business Owners Policy

What Is a Business Owners Policy? A BOP is simply bundled insurance designed to provide essential coverage to certain business owners at a competitive price. A BOP insurance coverage includes

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance also called , errors and omissions insurance (E&O; insurance), protects you if a client claims that your services caused them to suffer a financial loss. While general liability insurance is primarily focused on property damage or bodily injury,

Disability Benefits Insurance

Employers in New York State are obligated to offer disability benefits insurance to their employees. This coverage is specifically designed to provide financial assistance in the event of off-the-job injuries or illnesses.

Business Umbrella Insurance

Without Business Umbrella Insurance (also sometimes called Umbrella Liability Insurance or Excess Liability Insurance ), you would have to pay the uncovered expenses out-of-pocket. Even if you carry General Liability Insurance for your business, without business umbrellainsurance you might face a repair, settlement, or judgment in excess of your coverage limit.

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